Lj.Bežigrad - GARSONJERA
700 EUR
Lj.Bežigrad - GARSONJERA
Lj.Bežigrad - GARSONJERA
Lj.Bežigrad - GARSONJERA
Lj.Bežigrad - GARSONJERA
Lj.Bežigrad - GARSONJERA
Lj.Bežigrad - GARSONJERA
Lj.Bežigrad - GARSONJERA
Status ponudbe: Aktualno
Tip nepremičnine: Garsonjera
ID nepremičnine: 501391
Posredovanje: Oddaja
Površina: 28 m2

Garsonjera se nahaja v 8. nadstropju stolpnice z dvigalom, lega: jug, čudovit razgled na Ljubljanski grad.

V celoti obnovljena konec leta 2019 (vse inštalacije, okna, vrata, tla, kopalnica, pohištvo, oprema, vhodna vrata) ..

Nahaja se v bližini sprehajalnih površin ter blizu večih fakultet, blizu uvoza na severno obvoznico. V neposredni bližini trgovina, banka, pošta, knjižnica, avtobusna postaja.

Obratovalni stroški so še posebej in znašajo  približno 120-140 EUR/mesec; ni upoštevan internetni ponudnik, ki si ga najemnik uredi sam po želji.

Parkiranje je možno ob bloku na parkirišču, zavarovanim z zapornico, dostop na parkirišče je mogoč izključno imetnikom kartice.

Stanovanje je na voljo za vselitev od 1.12.2024; ogledi so možni takoj.

Primerno za eno osebo ali par, brez domačih ljubljenčkov, kajenje ni dovoljeno. Stanovanje je primerno tudi za študenta ali študentko.

Pogoj za najem: varščina v višini dveh najemnin ter najemnik plača strošek izpeljave nepremičninskega posla najema v višini 650EUR.



The studio is located on the 8th floor of a high-rise building with an elevator, facing south with a wonderful view of the Ljubljana Castle.

Completely renovated at the end of 2019 (all installations, windows, doors, floors, bathroom, furniture, equipment, front door) ..

It is located near walking areas and close to several colleges, close to the import on the northern ring road. Shop, bank, post office, library, bus station nearby.

In particular, operating costs amount to approximately 120-140 EUR/month, does not include online internet provider that the tenant arranges himself as he wishes on his own cost.

Parking is possible next to the block in the parking lot, secured by a gate, access to the parking lot is possible only with a card holder.

The apartment is available for occupancy from 1 December 2024; viewings are possible immediately.

Suitable for one person or couple, no pets, no smoking. The apartment is also suitable for a male or female student.

Conditions for renting: a security deposit in the amount of two rents and the tenant pays the cost of conducting the real estate rental transaction in the amount of 650EUR.


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