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Na ugodni in zaželeni lokaciji v Trnovskem predmestju, v mirni ulici Cesta na Loko, polni zelenja in odmaknjeni od prometnih ulic, se v 1.nadstropju večstanovanjske hiše (skupni je le vhod s stopniščem) odda popolnoma renovirano in v celoti opremljeno 4 sobno stanovanje.
Sestavlja ga: spalnica, dodatna soba, ogromna dnevna soba z jedilnico in kuhinjo skupaj v enem prostoru, sanitarije s toaleto; v mansardnem delu se nahaja večja soba z garderobno shrambo. Na zunanjem dvorišču za stavbo še dodatna shramba za kolesa in ostalo.
Vsi števci so ločeni, ogrevanje je na plin.
Ugodna lokacija nudi neposredno bližino mestnega jedra, infrastrukturo (osnovna šola, vrtec), rekreacijske površine in uvoz na avtocesto. Obenem je odlično izhodišče za uživanje v naravi.
Eno parkirno mesto zagotovljeno na notranjem dvorišču za varovano ograjo.
Primerno predvsem za urejeno,mirno družino, par, posameznike in je TAKOJ VSELJIVO.
Priporočamo! Vabljeni na ogled.
Pogoj za najem: varščina in strošek posredovanja pri poslu najema nepremičninski družbi.
A completely renovated and fully furnished 4-room apartment is for rent on the 1st floor of a multi-apartment building in a convenient and desirable location in the suburbs of Trnovo, in a quiet street called Cesta na Loko, full of greenery and away from busy streets.
It consists of: bedroom, additional room, large living room with dining room and kitchen together in one room, sanitary facilities with toilet; in the attic there is a larger room with a wardrobe. In the outer courtyard behind the building there is additional storage for bicycles and other things.
All counters are separate, heating is gas.
The favorable location offers direct proximity to the city center, infrastructure (primary school, kindergarten), recreational areas and access to the highway. At the same time, it is an excellent starting point for enjoying nature.
One parking space provided in the inner courtyard behind a guarded fence.
Suitable especially for a tidy, peaceful family, couple, individuals and it is IMMEDIATELY READY TO MOVE-IN.
We recommend! You are invited to visit.
Rental condition: security deposit and mediation fee for the real estate company's rental transaction.
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Jelka Perner | |
Reboljeva ulica 2 | |
Ljubljana | |
041348145 | | |