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Posredujemo pri oddaji prijetne, brezhibno vzdrževane in popolnoma opremljene garsonjere .
Stanovanje se nahaja v večstanovanjski stavbi na Kvedrovi ulici v Novih Jaršah. Lokacija omogoča hiter dostop do vse potrebne infrastrukture, nakupovalnega središča BTC– kot tudi do obvoznice, avtobusne postaje na Šmartinski cesti in centra mesta.
Garsonjera obsega predprostor s kuhinjo, sobo in kopalnico. Pripada ji shramba v kletnih prostorih ter priročen skupni prostor v medetaži bloka za sušenje perila ter skupna kolesarnica.
Mesečni obratovalni stroški so še posebej in znašajo maaksimalno 100€/mesec.
Parkiranje je možno neposredno pred stavbo na skupnem parkirišču stanovalcev in je brezplačno.
Minimalna doba za najem je 1 leto ali več.Namenjeno je oddaji samo eni osebi, izključno nekadilci, bivanje domačih živali ni dovoljeno.
POGOJ ZA NAJEM: varščina v višini enomesečne najemnine in in strošek posredovanja agenciji v višini enomesečne najemnine(enkratni honorar)
The offer is no longer available.
We arrange for the rental of pleasant, impeccably maintained and fully equipped studio apartments.
The apartment is located in an apartment building on Kvedrova Street in Novi Jarše. The location provides quick access to all the necessary infrastructure, the BTC shopping center, as well as the ring road, the bus stop on Šmartinska cesta and the city center.
The studio consists of an entrance hall with a kitchen, a room and a bathroom. It includes a storage room in the basement and a convenient shared space in the mezzanine of the block for drying laundry and a shared bicycle shed.
The monthly operating costs are sin addition to rent and amount to maximum of €100/month.
Parking is possible directly in front of the building in the residents' common parking lot and is free of charge.
The minimum rental period is 1 year or more. It is intended for rental to one person only, non smokers, pets are not allowed.
RENT CONDITION: security deposit in the amount of one month's rent and agency fee in the amount of one month's rent (one-time fee)
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Jelka Perner | |
Reboljeva ulica 2 | |
Ljubljana | |
041348145 | | |